Linux PCMCIA/CardBus LAN cards installation Guide CONTENTS 1. Introductions 2. Installing PCMCIA Card Services 2.1 Configuration for LAN cards 1. Introductions This document briefly describes how to use the PCMCIA/CardBus LAN cards in a Linux operating system. To make use of the PCMCIA/CardBus LAN cards, you need to install the PCMCIA Card Services which responds to card insertion and removal events, loading and unloading drivers on demand. Chapter two discusses the installation of the PCMCIA Card Services as well as the configuration of LAN cards. 2. Installing the PCMCIA Card Services Card Serives for Linux is written by David Hinds . It is now a part of many of the Linux distributions, like RedHat and Slackware. You need to install it into your Linux system for use of the PCMCIA or "PC Card". The source version is available at in the "pcmcia" dirctory, as "pcmcia-cs-x.tar.gz". Replace "x" with the version number of the latest package. To install the PCMCIA Card Services, you need to install a full kernel source and do the following shell commands: #tar zxvf pcmcia-cs-x.tar.gz #cd pcmcia-cs-x #./Configure #make all #make install Generally, you don't need to change any default selections when you run "./Configure" to configure the compiled environment. But if you want to use Card Bus adapter, enable the (CardBus) option. 2.1 Configuration for LAN cards For LAN card users, you need to use editor to edit the file "/etc/pcmcia/network.opts" to assign IP address, netmask, gateway IP, nameservers,broadcast address, and etc. after the Card Services installation. A part of the file "network.opts" is as listed which is mandatory setup for the TCP/IP of your Linux machine: #File: /etc/pcmcia/network.opts # # # #Host's IP address, netmask, network address, broadcast address IPADDR="" NETMASK="" NETWORK="" BROADCAST="" #Gateway address for static routing GATEWAY="" #Things to add to /etc/resolv.conf for this interface DOMAIN="your.domain" SEARCH="" DNS_1="" DNS_2="" DNS_3="" # # Remember to reboot your Linux machine for the Card Services after installation. Now you should have the PCMCIA Card Services installed correctly. If the Card Service is not installed properly, please see the "PCMCIA-HOWTO" for the details in the root directory of the Card Services source code to resolve installation and configuraton problems.