============================================================== PLANET ENW-9602T Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Driver Installation For SCO OpenServer 5.0.5 ============================================================== Copyright (C) 2001 PLANET Technology Grop. All rights reserved. Overview: ========= This file explains how to install and configure the MDI driver. Installation and Configuration ============================== Manual Installation of the driver --------------------------------- a) Transfer VOL.000.000 onto a floppy disk b) Poweroff your system and install the card in a PCI Bus Mastering slot. c) Power on the system. d) Mount floppy drive # mount -f DOS /dev/fd0 /mnt e) Copy DSP (Driver Software Package) files to /home/nsc/dp # mkdir -p /home/nsc/dp # cd /home/nsc/dp # cp /mnt/VOL.000.000 . f) Unmount floppy # umount /mnt g) Transfer the image onto a floppy disk for installation # dd if=VOL.000.000 of=/dev/rfd0135ds18 h) To install, enter command custom and follow instructions # custom Configuring the Driver : ----------------------- a) After installation of the driver, run "netconfig" and add the desired chain. Select, Hardware -> Add new LAN Adapter -> National Semiconductor's Gigabit Ethernet Adapter DP83820 b) Choose the appropriate protocol (SCO TCP/IP) . c) Fill in TCP/IP Configuration parameters like IP Address, NetMask, Domain Name etc.. d) Netconfig will prompt you for relinking the kernel while exiting. Choose Yes for relinking the kernel. e) Reboot the system after relinking the kernel.