Teknovus PC Host GUI Distribution Readme ============================================================ The distribution style for the Teknovus PC Host GUI is very simple. Just copy the directory containing this readme file (and all files within it) to any location on your hard drive, and double-click "PcHostGui.exe" to run the application. You may have noticed that there are 2 more executable files in the [root]\data\ directory. This is due to the fact that the Teknovus PC Host GUI requires the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 to be installed on your PC. The other files in this folder provide a means to auto-detect and install the .NET Framework if the PC requires it. Much of the time, the PC in question will already have the .NET framework installed, but these files are provided just in case it doesn't. If you are sure the computer you want to run this on already has the .NET Framework version 2.0, you can run "pchostgui_exec.exe" directly, instead of running "PcHostGui.exe", but this is not recommended. Otherwise, make sure to run "PcHostGui.exe" to automatically detect and possibly install the .NET Framework before starting the application. Note that this distribution assumes that, if the computer in question does not have the .NET framework 2.0 installed, the computer has an internet connection capable of downloading the .NET framework. If the .NET framework is not found, PcHostGui.exe will launch a web installer to find and download the proper version of the .NET framework.